Monday, 20 May 2013

What to think about when writing about Nutrition and Diet

You are thinking of writing but not sure how to go about it? You don't need to worry, you can start simple with a recipe or a product review if you like.

If you are planning to write an article, however, here are a few tips to follow:

1) do your homework

If you are writing about food, it's always a good idea to develop a passion for it. Become a food geek! Learn about food and cooking and not just the science and medical therapy behind it. Get your hands dirty and try new things to write about. People love to read practical tips that they can apply to their everyday cooking.

Back up any nutrition claims you might make with solid knowledge and reading. Get those articles and papers read. Look for your evidence and know your stuff.

2) think about who is reading

Always remember who you are writing for and picture your audience as you write. Are you writing for the general public, for peers or medical professionals? Think about what your audience would like to get out of your blog or article

3) think seasonal

Food lends itself to all of those great seasonal articles we love to read. Summer? Think salads and barbies. Winter? Soups and slow cooked stews. So many celebrations, so much to blog about...always think ahead to what season is coming next and blog around that season's theme. It may be valentine's day, back to school, exam time, easter, footy season, name it, there is a nutrition article to be found for every occasion.

4) be edgy

Keep your eye on food and nutrition trends and on  health and beauty topics that are "on trend". It helps to stay edgy and to be daring. Yes, we need to work with the evidence base but that doesn't mean we can't be forward thinking and blog about emerging trends. We just have to make sure we let people know it's a new area still being explored.

5) use a support network

Read as many diet and nutrition blogs and articles as you can to see if you like any of the styles used. You will soon find your own style but it helps to identify with one that you like when you are starting out. Get yourself some good contacts and network your socks off. It's also a good idea to use contacts for quotes and interviews. A sneaky way to write an article is to gather quotes and comments from a variety of other nutrition professionals, on a hot topic and use these as the mainstay of your article.

5) be clear- or keep it simple

In a nutshell.

6) be yourself

The best articles are those with a bit of personality. Don't be afraid to be yourself, you will write so much better that way!

7) try it

The only way you can get comfortable with writing is to just try it.  The more you write, the more comfortable you become. I promise. If it isn't perfect, it doesnt matter. You tried it. And always remember to be confident in your own knowledge. People with very little in the way of nutrition qualifications blog and write abut nutrition and diet all the time. Don't you think its time you gave it a go?

Get writing !

1 comment:

  1. Before i read this article my thinking about nutrition is none :/ But after i read this i get a difference about diet and nutrition :D Combo :) thanks for sharing :)

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