So what is this blog about? In my role teaching Dietitians and Nutritionists, I have spent a lot of time trying to convince training and "new to the career" nutrition professionals to get in there and embrace social media, the internet and writing.
For many, the idea is quite daunting and often new nutritionists and dietitians don't feel confident enough in their knowledge and ability to launch their ideas into a public forum. A lot of students want experience to help them in their quest for the perfect job and a lot of new nutrition professionals are keen to get on the track to being published and to have media and writing experience but don't quite know where to start.
This is where this blog comes in....I thought I'd make a place where Dietitians, Nutritionists and "soon -to-be" graduates can try their hand at writing blogs and articles.
So what's in it for the reader?
New and fresh content, straight from the cutting edge of nutrition training. No bad habits, no rusty knowledge or "tried and true" adages trotted out "just because we always have". This should all be great stuff from some pretty clever and talented , up and coming nutrition stars....
If you are wanting to submit a blog or article, contact me....on
So who will be first?
Anne Myers :) (Dietitian/Nutritionist)
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